Saturday, September 27, 2008

Effect of zinc on pimple and acne

« ...Natural treatment choices are continually expanding. People are becoming much more aware of the natural environment and their responsibilities to Mother Nature and the planet earth. If a natural acne cure is available locally, its use would certainly be beneficial as product packaging and transportation costs will be reduced. Check your local area for creams and lotions which may provide a solution....
...At the end of the day, there are benefits in both chemical solutions and natural acne solutions. You should weigh the benefits of both, carefully assessing each product, its side effects, and its usefulness, before making any long term decision of sticking with just one particular form of treatment....»
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«...The first thing you need to do to successfully cure your acne is discover the cause. You will cure your skin condition the quickest if you think yours is caused by a poor diet. Just changing your diet to one filled with nutritious foods will show an improvement in your skin within days....»
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tags: sulfur for acne, does liver flushing cure acne, acne minerals zinc vitamin a b c

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