Monday, August 4, 2008

How the cure acne at home and dermatology evansville indiana acne scars

Another known cause of acne is internal yeast overgrowth. This is also called Candida and has been known to be a factor cause of acne along with a lot of other health problems. There are many simple ways to find out if you have Candida. Simply get a glass of water and spit in it. See if the spit floats or sinks to the bottom. This will tell if you have acne. This yeast problem can be solved through avoiding your intake of sugary foods. Candida is killed also through taking beneficial bacteria such as Pro Biotic pills.
Skin type is another cause of acne. The oilier your skin is, the more acne you have. When the pores could not give out the oil, these pores are suitable places for bacteria and this causes more problematic situations.
The majority of acne body washes employ one of two select ingredients; benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid. The remaining ingredients are not anywhere as important. My preference and I believe it is on the side of prevailing research is to go with acne body washes that consist of salicylic acid. Just a caveat: the only exception to this rule is for those with predominant facial acne issues as they would be better off going with an acne body wash that has benzyl peroxide.
tags: natural treatment for acne, back acne chest acne, acne scar information

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